Sunday, October 17, 2010

Family Pics

While we were in Montana at my family's cabin, we had my sister take a few family pictures for us. She is taking some photography classes at SLCC and we were more than willing to be guinea pigs. It was super fun and such a beautiful setting. Thanks Shauna!

Oh, and I know I have caused some question as to the color of my hair so here is the story. I am a natural blond, but I went dark right before we moved to California. My sister does hair so I have gone dark a couple times before, once in high school and then again my freshmen year of college (Ivan and I actually met when I was dark and he didn't believe me when I told him I was a natural blond). I thought that our move would be a fun time to do it again! We will see how long it lasts! haha.

Mommy sandwich. I get that a lot.

What a Stud.
I think my curse in life is having a child that doesn't smile in pictures.
Ok. I know what you are thinking. He is only smiling cause it is candid. Lucky shot.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Catching up: Camping Trips #2

One of the last weekends before we left we went camping with our good friends, the Bonds. We went to Utah Lake again and had a blast. We spent the night around the campfire talking and roasting s'mores. We followed it up the next morning with some time at the lake.
The cutest and dirtiest face ever. Love this kid.
Playing at the lake again.

Catching up: Camping Trips

As a family we went camping over the 24th of July to the Utah lake campground. We originally wanted to go up the canyon, but all the places were full so we went down by the lake. It ended up being a really fun campground and we got to go over and play in the lake the next morning so it was great. Tyson discovered fire, which he thinks is awesome, and once again, couldn't get enough of the dirt.
Tyson and Daddy making dinner.

Playing by the water while dinner was cooking.
Throwing rocks in the lake Saturday morning.
Tyson and Daddy playing in the water.

When we got home, there was a celebration at the park across from our apartment so we decided to stop by for a little bit.
Probably the closest we will ever get to a Rolls Royce.
Tyson watching the Ducks.
Now if that's not the cutest wanted face ever I don't know what is.

Catching up: Cabin Trip

Every summer my family takes a trip up to our cabin in Montana. It is pretty much my favorite place on earth. So this year, because Ivan wasn't working then, we got to go up for a whole week was just awesome! We were up there from August 13-20. We got a few days with just my parents and us which was so nice because it was right before we moved to Cali. We spend the week hiking, biking, skiing, playing, roasting s'mores, shooting, doing our family triathlon and just enjoying the beautiful country up there. I love it! And Tyson loved it that's for sure. We didn't even try to keep him clean. It would have required baths every few hours. This kid could play in the dirt all day long if we let him.
Ivan relaxing our first night there.
Tyson playing at the beach.
Us girls braving the cold water.
All of Tyson's cousins that were up there. And Tyson is actually smiling for the camera! Yay!
The girls out for girls night!
The guys working on the cabin. So handsome.

Catching up: the Fourth of July

I know people. This is pretty pathetic, but we have to catch up. So for the 4th of July we went to Idaho because my nephew Noah was getting baptized. It was a great baptism and super fun to be with the fam. While we were up there we got to go to fireworks, which was way fun. Quick story. While we were walking to the place where we were going to watch the fireworks, right in front of us this fight breaks out. Ivan turned into papa bear and made sure Tyson and I were right by him. It was pretty crazy. Oh and the guys girlfriends broke it up of course.

Family picture at fireworks.

Tyson walking home with Grandpa after the baptism. I just love this picture.