Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tahitian Noni...More than just a DRINK

All this time I thought Tahitian Noni just made drinks that were too expensive for me to even try. Well...for those of you who thought the same, we were all wrong! Katie and I went to the Tahitian Noni building here in Provo to check out their garden for Katie's landscaping class. The garden is sweet. As evidenced by the picture to the left. We spent close to two hours walking around and looking at all the cool plants. The flower looked sweet, like someone had taken red paint to this nice yellow flower. Anyway, for those of you looking for a cheap family night, Tahitian Noni does movie family nights that are free every Monday night. So Katie, Tyson and I will see you there. This is Ivan Tidwell signing out for the day.


  1. dude, cool post about flowers! drop the purse and be a man! post about basketball or something, jeez. but if you were trying to get me to feel better by comedic relief while i'm sick then you did a great job!

  2. Oh that sounds like fun we'll come some time What time do they show them at?

  3. THanks! We are having a blast! Now what is going on with your lives? Update?
